


Why Do Cheeks Sag Over Time?
Have you ever looked in the mirror and thought, “My cheeks look like they’re drooping…?” This could be caused by muscle stiffness. In this blog, we’ll talk about the mechanics of sagging and how to prevent it in an easy and understandable way.

たるみ防止の秘訣【Secrets to Prevent Sagging】

頬のたるみは筋肉の「硬さ」が原因⁉【The Cause of Cheek Sagging: Stiff Muscles?】


Our face contains “facial muscles” that support our cheeks and mouth area. However, daily tension and unconscious use of these muscles can cause them to stiffen, leading to sagging.

筋肉は「柔らかい状態」が大切!【Why Keeping Muscles Soft is Crucial!】


It may be surprising, but stiff muscles cannot perform their functions properly. Imagine a rubber band: a soft, flexible rubber band stretches well and has elasticity. In contrast, a stiff rubber band doesn’t stretch and breaks easily. Similarly, soft muscles promote better blood flow, making your face look firmer!

たるみを防ぐには「柔らかい筋肉」を目指そう!【Aim for Soft Muscles to Prevent Sagging!】


Keeping your muscles soft is key to preventing sagging cheeks. One method I highly recommend is “Sato Method Lymphatic Care.” Instead of forcing your muscles to move, this technique focuses on gently touching and rocking the muscles to soften them.

さとう式で筋肉をやさしくケアする方法【How to Gently Care for Muscles with the Sato Method】

やり方はシンプルIt’s Simple to Do!
  • 触れるだけでOK!Just Lightly Touch!
    Place your fingers gently on your cheeks or temples. Use no pressure—just a soft, feather-light touch as if you’re touching a baby’s skin.
  • 軽く揺らしてリラックスGently Rock and Relax
    With your fingers in place, gently rock them with minimal pressure—just enough that the skin barely moves or doesn’t move at all. Don’t worry about rhythm; do it in a way that feels comfortable for you.
  • リラックスが大事!Relaxation is Key!
    One great feature of this care is that you don’t have to worry about how long you do it. As long as you feel good and relaxed, you can continue as long as you like. However, don’t push yourself with thoughts like, “I need results quickly!” That kind of stress can be counterproductive—focus on relaxing instead.

どうしてこれで効果があるの?【Why Does This Work?】


When muscles become stiff, the skin and fat overlying them are pulled and become more prone to fall. However, keeping your muscles supple will improve blood flow and improve the condition of your skin. Furthermore, since soft muscles can exert their original “supporting power”, sagging becomes less noticeable!

触れて揺らしてリラックスTouch, shake and relax
  • 頬のたるみを防ぐには、筋肉を柔らかく保つことがポイント。「さとう式」のケアなら、触れて揺らすだけで筋肉がリラックスして、自然な引き締まりをサポートしてくれます。力を入れず、自分が心地よく感じられる範囲で続けてみてくださいね。
    The key to preventing sagging cheeks is to keep your muscles soft. With the ”Sato style” care, just by touching and shaking your body, your muscles will relax and support natural toning. Don’t put too much effort into it, just continue as much as you feel comfortable.
  • 頬がふんわり元気になると、自然と笑顔も素敵になります。リラックスしながら楽しくケアを続けていきましょう!
    When your cheeks become soft and healthy, your smile will naturally become more beautiful. Let’s continue to enjoy care while relaxing!