


Winter, when the cold becomes more severe, is the season when many of us are concerned about dry skin. Especially with heating and cold winds, it’s common for skin to feel rough and itchy. In such times, what I personally practice is taking a bath using “goat milk” and natural salt! It’s simple, but just this combination makes your skin incredibly smooth and hydrated.


The natural scent of goat milk is soothing in itself, so I prefer not to add any fragrances like essential oils. Enjoying this natural aroma is one of the many charms of a goat milk bath. This time, I’ll share the appeal of goat milk, tips on how often to use it, and some simple ways to incorporate it into your routine.

「ゴートミルク風呂」の魅力 【The Charm of a “Goat Milk Bath】

ゴートミルクとは?【What is Goat Milk?】


Goat milk is a highly nutritious milk from goats. Compared to cow’s milk, it has smaller fat globules, making it more compatible with the skin. Additionally, the following components provide beneficial effects for dry skin. When adding it to a bath, I use commercially available “goat milk powder,” which is made from goat milk.

  • 乳脂肪:お肌にうるおいを与えるエモリエント効果があります。
    Milk Fat: It has emollient effects that provide moisture to the skin.
  • ビタミンA・E:お肌のターンオーバーを助け、滑らかな肌に。
    Vitamins A and E: They help with skin turnover, resulting in smoother skin.
  • 乳酸:軽いピーリング作用があり、古い角質をやさしく取り除きます。
    Lactic Acid: It has a mild peeling effect that gently removes old skin cells.


The ingredients dissolve in the bathwater and help to moisturize and condition the skin.

ゴートミルク風呂の効果【Effects of Goat Milk Bath】

  • 保湿効果でしっとり肌に
    Moisturizing effect for hydrated skin.
    Goat milk’s cream envelops the skin and protects it from dryness. The feeling of moisture lasts even after bathing.
  • お肌をツルツルにする軽いピーリング効果
    A gentle peeling effect that makes your skin smooth.
    Lactic acid gently removes old dead skin cells, leading to smooth skin.
  • 自然な香りで癒し効果
    The soothing effect of a natural scent.
    The subtly sweet natural aroma of goat milk calms the mind and makes bath time a special experience.

ゴートミルク風呂の頻度は?毎日でもOK?【What is the frequency of goat milk baths? Is it okay to take them every day?】


The goat milk bath is gentle on the skin, so it can generally be used every day without any issues. However, it is recommended to adjust the frequency by considering the following points.

  • ピーリング効果を考えると週2~3回がベスト
    Considering the peeling effect, 2 to 3 times a week is best.
    Goat milk contains lactic acid, which has a mild peeling effect. While this action can make the skin smooth, excessive use may irritate sensitive or dry skin. Therefore, limiting it to about 2 to 3 times a week allows you to experience the benefits without putting too much strain on your skin.
  • 保湿効果が目的なら毎日でもOK
    If you want a moisturizing effect, you can use it every day.
    Goat milk has a high moisturizing effect, so if you don’t feel any irritation from the peeling, it is recommended that you use a small amount every day. However, if you have sensitive skin, try a small amount first to check the condition of your skin.

「ゴートミルク+天然塩」の簡単レシピ【Easy recipe for “Goat’s Milk + Natural Salt”】

  • ゴートミルクパウダー … 約大さじ2杯
    Goat milk powder … about 2 tablespoons
  • 天然塩(粗塩でもOK) … 約大さじ1杯
    Natural salt (coarse salt is fine) … about 1 tablespoon
使い方【How to use】
  1. お風呂を準備したら、ゴートミルクパウダーと天然塩を直接湯船に入れます。
    When you have prepared your bath, add the goat milk powder and natural salt directly to the bath.
  2. 軽くかき混ぜて溶かし、いつも通りゆっくりと浸かりましょう。
    Stir gently to dissolve, then soak in the bath as you normally would.
  3. 入浴後はシャワーで軽く流して終了!湯上がりの肌のしっとり感に驚くはずです。
    After bathing, rinse off lightly with a shower! You’ll be amazed at how moisturized your skin will feel after the bath.

もしエッセンシャルオイルを加えるなら?【What if I add essential oils?】


This is not necessary if you want to enjoy the natural scent of goat’s milk, but lavender oil is recommended for those who want an added fragrance to relax even more.

  • ラベンダーオイルの効能
    The benefits of lavender oil
    It has a relaxing effect and a scent that relieves stress. It also has an anti-inflammatory effect, so it is effective against dry itchiness and rough skin.
使い方の注意点【Usage notes】
  • エッセンシャルオイルはそのままお風呂に入れるとお肌を刺激することがありますので、必ず天然塩に数滴(3~5滴)垂らしてよく混ぜてから使用してください。塩がオイルを分散させるので、肌への刺激を軽減できます。
    Essential oils can irritate the skin if you add them directly to the bath, so be sure to add a few drops (3-5 drops) to natural salt and mix well before using. The salt will disperse the oil, reducing irritation to the skin.

ゴートミルク風呂で乾燥知らずの冬を!【Enjoy a goat’s milk bath to avoid dryness during the winter!】


Daily care is important to prevent dry skin in winter. Simple and effective skin care is possible with just “goat milk” and natural salt. Just enjoying the natural scent will soothe your mind and make your bath time relaxing. Aim for moist and smooth skin this winter with a goat milk bath.
