



Do you ever feel heavy or notice swelling in your body?When lymphatic flow becomes sluggish, waste products and excess fluids accumulate, causing swelling and fatigue.Here are 3 acupressure points to improve lymphatic flow! They work perfectly with the ‘Sato Method Lymphatic Care,’ so try incorporating them into your self-care routine.

天窓(てんそう)Tianchuang (SI16)


Location: It is located at the same height as the Adam’s apple (superior border of the thyroid cartilage) and behind the muscle that runs diagonally up the neck (sternocleidomastoid muscle).

期待できる効果【Expected Effects】
  • 首や肩のリンパの流れを促進
    Promotes lymphatic flow in the neck and shoulders
  • 顔のむくみを軽減
    Reduces facial swelling
  • 顔のたるみやフェイスラインのたるみ改善
    Improves facial sagging and facial lines.
  • 首こり・肩こりの緩和
    Relieves neck and shoulder stiffness


This Tianchuang point works well with the Sato Method’s neck care, helping lymph in the face and head flow more smoothly.

大包(だいほう)Dabao (SP21)


Location: It is located below the armpit and laterally away from the solar plexus.(6th intercostal space)

期待できる効果【Expected Effects】
  • 脇周りのリンパ節の詰まりを解消
    Unclogs lymph nodes around the armpit
  • 全身のリンパの流れを促進
    Promotes lymphatic flow throughout the body
  • 老廃物の排出をサポート(全身のむくみ)
    Supports the removal of waste products
  • 更年期のホットフラッシュによる顔周りののぼせや汗にも効く
    Also effective against hot flashes around the face and sweating caused by menopausal hot flashes
  • 顔のむくみ、美肌効果、免疫力向上、フェイスラインの引き締め、クマにも効果あり
    Effective for facial swelling, beautiful skin, improved immunity, firming the face line, and dark circles under the eyes.
豆知識Trivia or Fun Facts
  • 「汗を止めるツボ」としても知られますが、実はリンパの循環にも重要なツボです。
    Although this point is often linked to sweat reduction, it’s also vital for lymphatic circulation.

三陰交(さんいんこう)Sanyinjiao (SP6)


Location: It is on the back of the shin bone, four fingers’ width above the inner ankle.

期待できる効果【Expected Effects】
  • 下半身のリンパの流れを改善
    Improves lymphatic flow in the lower body
  • 足のむくみ・冷えを解消
    Reduces swelling and coldness in the legs
  • 女性特有の不調(生理痛やホルモンバランスの乱れ)の緩和
    Relieves female-specific issues like menstrual pain and hormonal imbalance.


Integrating this into foot care helps enhance lymphatic flow in the lower body, easing swelling.

豆知識【Trivia or Fun Facts
  • 三陰交は3つの「陰」が交わるツボです。三陰交は陰の経絡である「肝」「脾」「腎」の3つ経絡が通っています。この3つが交わることがツボの名前の由来です。
    Sanyinjiao is a pressure point where three “yin” intersect. Three meridians of yin, “liver”, “spleen” and “kidney”, pass through Sanyinjiao. The name of the pressure point comes from the fact that these three intersect.

妊婦さんは大丈夫?注意事項【Is This Safe for Pregnant Women? Precautions to Note】


Pregnant women should avoid stimulating the SP6 (Sanyinjiao) point, as it may affect the uterus.

注意事項Precautions or Points to Note
  • 妊娠中や体調不良の際は医師に相談してから行いましょう。
    If you are pregnant or unwell, consult your doctor before using this product.
  • 強く押さず、優しく触れる程度にしましょう。
    Apply gentle pressure instead of pressing hard.
  • 体調に違和感を感じたら、すぐに中止してください。
    Stop immediately if you feel unwell.

The Sato Method focuses on relaxing muscles to naturally improve lymphatic flow. These points work well with gentle touch instead of firm pressure.

Incorporate these into your daily self-care to improve lymphatic flow and achieve a lighter, more vibrant body and mind!